This is a development version
Using @docType package no longer automatically adds a -package alias. Instead document _PACKAGE to get all the defaults for package documentation.
Documentation fix for unused arguments in b_samp and betaBlock
Update JSS hyperlinks
Made sure that formulae for SAM, AS and bc correspond to those in Cremers, Mulder & Klugkist (2018). Circular interpretation of regression coefficients. In previous versions of the package there was an error in the computation of SAM, AS and bc causing erroneous results.
Corrected c++ code of mcmc sampler for intercept-only circular mixed effects model to solve error warning in v.2.0.0 and v.2.0.1.
Corrected incorrect computation of model fit estimates for circular mixed effects models in v.2.0.0 and v.2.0.1.
Made sure that the chosen lag is displayed correctly in the output.
Removed MASS from imports to fix note in the 2.0.0 version
Changes in c++ code to solve errors from CRAN valgrind checks in the 2.0.0 version.
Changed arma::inv_sympd to arma::inv in c++ code to solve errors on macOS in the 2.0.0 version.
Changed the names of the mcmc output objects. B1
, B2
, Beta.I
, Beta.II
, B.I
, B.II
, VCov.I
and VCov.II
are now named beta1
, beta2
, beta1
, beta2
, b1
, b2
, omega1
and omega2
Functions predict()
and residual()
were removed.
MCMC sampler underlying the bpnme
function is rewritten in c++
. This should significantly increase computational speed.
Increased memory efficiency by not storing intermediate objects in memory.
A vignette containing answers to frequently asked questions about usage of the package is included.
Adapted documentation bpnme
function such that it clearly states only one grouping factor can be used.
Made sure that the circular random intercept variance (and circular random slope variance of categorical predictors) is computed as 1 - mean resultant length. Also updated documentation accordingly.
Results for bc
, AS
and SAM
are now also included in degrees if units = "degrees"
in circ_coef
An error warning in case of any missing values was included.
criterion in the model fit estimates obtained from the fit()
function is more correctly referred to as WAIC1
Format of cRS
object stored in a bpnme
fit object was changed from matrix
to data.frame
to accommodate for data of more than two types, e.g. character
and numeric
Deleted arguments from function documentation that are not in \usage
Updated references in the packages description.
This version contains an update of code containing the class function to make sure the package works with R version 4.0.0
The check for the range of the circular outcome was corrected.
The function bpnme can now also handle the standard R data.frame instead of only Data Frame Tbl (from dplyr, tbl_df(data))
The function coef.bpnr now correctly returns radians instead of degrees when option units == "radians" is chosen.
The documentation now states that the circular outcome needs to be measured in radians.
The references in the documentation have been updated.
The functions mmr and mmme now give out a warning message when the circular outcome is out of range.
An error in the assignment of column names in the random effect model matrix (in mmme function) was fixed.
An error in the check for whether random effects are numeric (in bpnme function) was fixed.
Several checks and error warnings for wrong specifications of nesting structure were added.
Internal functions were taken out of the package documentation on CRAN.
The priors for the (fixed effect) regression coefficients in the regression and mixed-effects model are now both N(0, 10000), We also note this in the documentation of bpnr() and bpnme().
We note the fact that the mixed-effects model is only developed for models with one nesting variable in the documentation.